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"Natasha tackled a serious subject with just the right amount of drama and humor, opening the audience’s ears and minds."
Luisa Ferreira, Head of Social Programme
Natasha always considered herself environmentally conscious —she recycles, avoids owning a car, and even offsets her electricity with wind energy. But when she took a closer look at her daily habits, she realized she was unknowingly contributing to the very problem she wanted to solve.
At the EIB Circular Economy Conference in Copenhagen, Natasha pulls back the curtain on the hidden impact of our everyday choices—from the jeans we wear to the data we store to the plane she flew— and inspires us to take back control. What if we could redesign the system so waste doesn’t exist? What if businesses made sustainability the default? What if, instead of feeling powerless, we realized that our small, daily choices have massive collective impact?
It’s about rewiring how we think, and examining how we live, work, and consume. The system won’t change unless we demand it. Are you in?
A charismatic speaker with a theatrical edge and international flair, Natasha Tsakos challenges the status quo and inspires possibilities with intellectual depth, wit and panache. A deep-thinker, polymath, and showmaker, she explores wide-ranging topics from our existential relationship with Technology, to the relevance of the Arts in society, to the secret sauce of Creativity, to bold futures in Space, the Planet, and our place in it. Click here to book a talk.

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